
Hi classmates, today the post theme is free, so, since I'm a person who consume a lot of youtube content, so I'm going to talk about  some of my favourites youtube channels, specifically, the art or "cultural" related ones. Firstly I want to talk about Nekojitablog, this channel is about a married couple -he's from Spain and she is frome Japan - that make videos about japanese culture. They speak about a lot of interesting topics, the photography is beautiful and they're both pretty funny, so I do recomend them, if you're to much into Japan, their are perfect for you. The other one that I want to talk about is Jaime Altozano's channel, he is a Spain youtuber that talks about music, he usually analyzes movie soundtracks, osts from animes, artists in general and sometimes music theory. His videos are super easy to understand, so I really like them. Another channel that I like is Ter's channel, she is from Spain too (I know, a lot of spain people) an
Something I should do to keep fit (but I don't) As you can see I don't do many things to keep fit, I'm a pretty lazy person, that's the main reason. I could say that I have no time to do anything or that I'm too tired to do it (which is true), but when I do have the time I'd rather do anything but excersice, although it wasn't always like that. A few years ago, I used to ride my bicycle a lot, I remember I went for a ride with my friends almost every week, I like it because you can enjoy the landscape while you're doing excersice and I like that you can achieve considerably high speed without getting tired as easily as if you were running and you're sitting hahah. However, I don't like to ride my bicycle here in Santiago because of the traffic and the noise of the city, also, the landscapes here are not as good as the landscapes of my city in the south, and I don't have a bicycle either. I've tried running a couple of times, but it&#
Last friday's post was about a job that I would like to do, so I think that in my case it would be working in an animation studio as a animator or maybe as a concept artist. I've always like art books, of everything, but I don't have to many because they are usually expensive and they don't come here. I think I like them so much because all the creativity and the ideas presented there. They reflect the concept of the process being more important than the final result, a conception presents in a lot of art carreers, that I personally shares too. It's funny because I say that I would love to work as a concept artist, but I don't think I have the abillities to do it, I think that I'm not good enough in terms of being creative. Technically to do this you have to be able to come with a lot of ideas in a short period of time, for me that's the main skill you have to have. Besides you have to be good at drawing traditionally but most important, digitally. Most
Talking about friendship and relationships in general is somewhat hard for me because I just don’t do it as much. But today I’m going to talk about Seba. Seba or Sebastian is a friend of mine that I knew about almost 6 years ago when I was studying first year of secondary school. I was all my life studying in the same school and I was used to people always coming and going, so I was kind of apathetic, but that year in particular I knew a lot of good friends that I still kept in touch with. I remember that at that time I was very happy because a lot of new people with the same tastes had joined the class. We started to talk about anime and stuff and we became a group super quickly. I remember   that Seba was pretty bad at school, so he always asked me to help him study, especially with maths, and that helped too, I started to go to Seba’s house more often and somehow I became part of his family, even now, when I travel to my house, I always take the time to pass and say hi or ask him t
Today's theme is: "an artist you like", so I'm going to talk about Frannerd. Frannerd is one of my favourite illustrators and is from Chile. I love her work, she has a simple kinda cartoony kind of style. She usually draws scenes and characters with a pretty established color palette with a lot of pink and pastel colors. I knew her about 2 years ago in youtube and suddenly I became a fan of her work and her as a person too. And even though her style is far away from the types of things that I like to draw, I feel heavely identified with her and I would like to achive the life style that she has in which she currently lives of her work as an illustrator. She is freelancer and usually makes comisions, though, her biggest income comes from her online shop, her planners and her books(one of which I've got by the way)). Frannerd is one of my biggest benchmarks showing me that even if you are from South America, specially Chile and you didn't study illustration, yo
Choosing a Chilean building is not that easy for me, because I don't know as many as I would like, so I guess I will talk about The Singular hotel. This hotel is located in Patagonia, about 5 minutes away from Puerto Natales by car. Apart from the beauty of the context in which this building is inserted, I like it because is a reference of  good  intervention on a patrimonial building, oriented to let the background of the building be in sight and, at the same time, giving it a proposed new use. I know this building because I had to analyze it for the workshop at the begining of the third semestre, and I love the idea of making of the agricultural culture of the place, a focus of contemplation, something super representative of the society at the time, that still affects some traditions of the society nowadays. And talking about the style, the original building was conceived as industrial architecture, so, it hasn't have a design per se more than just a meat processing plant w
I like to draw, I've always liked it but I started to have interest in it, like for real, about three years ago, a year before I finished highschool. I just took it as a hobby at that time, I didn't know anything about foundations of art, or mediums or whatever, and I just used  a graphite pencil and an ordinary bond paper that we all have in our houses(and with this I'm not trying to say that you need more than that to be really good at drawing, the artist is in the person, not the materials, I'm just trying to say that I wasn't an expert in this topic) I remember that I liked to copy some frames of the animes that I was watching at the moment, or maybe I liked the expression of some portrait and I redrew it, but I didn't do anything more than that. I took it in a pretty light way, it helped me a lot to understand the concept of light and shadow, how to make gradiants and create the sense of depth, understand the amount of light that each color had(since i just