Something I should do to keep fit (but I don't)

As you can see I don't do many things to keep fit, I'm a pretty lazy person, that's the main reason. I could say that I have no time to do anything or that I'm too tired to do it (which is true), but when I do have the time I'd rather do anything but excersice, although it wasn't always like that. A few years ago, I used to ride my bicycle a lot, I remember I went for a ride with my friends almost every week, I like it because you can enjoy the landscape while you're doing excersice and I like that you can achieve considerably high speed without getting tired as easily as if you were running and you're sitting hahah. However, I don't like to ride my bicycle here in Santiago because of the traffic and the noise of the city, also, the landscapes here are not as good as the landscapes of my city in the south, and I don't have a bicycle either. I've tried running a couple of times, but it's not a good idea as I'm asthmatic. Currently, I consider doing excersice more as a responsability with my body than something I like to do, my body has been telling that need excersice, so I think I'm going to apply to a gym, that way it will be more difficult for me to skip the excersice as I'm paying for it. Pls don't be as I am and care about your body. 


  1. I like riding bicycle too :D, but I feel the same as you about riding it in Santiago, apart of that I don't have a bicycle jeje

  2. you should try to ride in santiago ,the Sunday in some parts of santiago close the roads for the cars

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. If you don´t know what to do, You should try practice taekwondo, I know you will love it


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